
Wednesday, 27 January 2016

GVMITM-Techmahindra Recruitment Drive - B.Sc./BCA - 9th Feb 2016

GVM Institute of Technology & Management
Techmahindra Recruitment Drive - B.Sc./BCA 

9th Feb 2016

For Registrations Click Here

Eligibility Criteria:
Eligible Branches
BCA & B.SC 2016 Batch (Branches – Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics, Statistics, Computer Application
60% throughout with no active backlog (But  if Candidate having scored a minimum of 55% in either, 10th, 12th or Graduation & 60% in other two remaining education qualification, then that student is allowed to participate in the recruitment drive)
Only Final year students (2016 passing out)
Recruitment Process
Aptitude+ Essay Writing Test followed by Technical and HR evaluation .
Special Instructions
1) Max 1 year gap and 1 backlog is permissible in the entire academic career and that too only between any two courses
2) No loss of year due to failure to pass any exam
3) 4 year MS programme through BITS Pilani is being offered to interested candidates (applicable to candidates with Min.60% + at X , XII , Graduation only) 
1.60 Lac in Training (6months) 2.05 Lacs PA after Training.


Reporting Time: 9:00 am

Reporting Instructions-

Candidate should be in college uniform or in presentable attire.
Candidate should bring College ID card or any Photo Identity in original as a proof of candidature

   Instructions for Online Essay Writing:
  • Every student passing the campus test will be required to write an essay on a random topic chosen by the system.       
  • We expect the students to write at least about 15 sentences or 800 words approximately on the allotted topic. Anything less than will mostly be ignored by the evaluators as inadequate input to evaluate.
  • Our emphasis will be to check whether candidate has understood the topic in broad terms, able to think clearly and articulate coherently his/her thoughts w/o making simple grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  • We expect the students not to use SMS language while articulating their views and thoughts on the subject.

Also, the Essay Online Test qualified candidates need to carry 4 sets of the following documents in the same order as mentioned below duly attested by college principal or TPO: -

  • Personal Mail Id – Needed for registration and further communication with candidate. (Compulsory)
  • Resume
  • Passport size photo stuck on top corner of the resume & should be self-attested (cross-signed).
  • 10th Mark sheet + Certificate
  • 12th Mark sheet + Certificate
  • Graduation Mark sheets
  • College ID Card

Instructions for Technical Interview :]
Students should have basic knowledge of the subject they had been taught in the college.\
If the non-CS/IT students are desirous of making a career in IT industry, they must show some keenness to pursue the desire at right earnest. In many cases, the students give an impression that they are appearing for the interview as an alternative means to get a job. That is lack of interest and preparation
Students should have  knowledge about their own academic projects.

For any Query Contact-

Dr . Gayatri Dhingra
Training and placement officer, 
GVM Institute of Technology & Management Sonipat
Contact no-  9215678003  E-mail-id   gayatri.dhingra1@gmail.com

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